How to Approach Different Types of Men

Every man is different. If you see a guy, you’re interested at a bar or party you can’t approach all of them the same way, you need to read the vibe and adapt. I will give you different ideas on how to approach different guys depending on the situation. Keep reading if you want to know how to approach men.

The Shy Guy

This by far has to be the easiest guy to approach, there could be a small chance he has a GF so always check. But if you see a guy sitting by himself it is go time! Literally just go up to him and say “Hey what’s up? I’m _____.” BOOM! You’re in. If he’s shy, be ready to be silly with him and break him out of his shell. This conversation can go all night long, make sure you ask for his number because he could be too shy to ask for yours.

The Outgoing Guy

With this guy, you need to beat him at his own game! He likes when girls are sarcastic and joke around with him. He might be competitive, so don’t be afraid to get a little friendly completion going. Say, “I bet I can chug my bear faster than you.” This guy is also just looking for opportunities to talk about himself, so ask him to tell you a story about his life. I’m sure he’s used to girls always complimenting him so maybe tease him about how “cool” he must think he is.

The sporty Guy

This guy may be too distracted by the game to be able to talk, but I’m sure he knows everything about the sport. This can go one of two ways: 1. You know about sports 2. You don’t know a thing about sports. I don’t know about sports, so I would go up to him and ask who playing. If you do know about sports, you can ask him who’s winning. Then the conversation should take off from there. If you don’t know about sports, keep asking about sports stuff and if you do know about sports talk to him about your favorite teams.

The Pot Head

I recommend you also being a weed smoker for this one, but if you’re not, no big deal. Obviously, this one is easy. Ask if you could have a hit or ask him if he wants a hit of what you’re smoking. Once you have joined the rotation, sit next to him and just start talking. Ask him random questions and be silly, I’m sure he’s big on vibes, so just try and be chill and funny, and that should work.

The hot guy

It can be hard to approach this guy cause he’s probably intimidating and talking to other people. So, here what I’ve got, lol. Be walking and accidentally bump into him and apologize. Be bold and offer to get him a drink, because you “feel so bad.” Then just introduce yourself and see where it goes. If there’s a game on tv ask him what team he likes or you can be like “I definitely know you from somewhere, do we go to the same gym?”

I hope this helps, lol. Wrote this post just for fun, I can’t confirm anyone my advice will work, but its worth a shot. Thank you for reading!

Are You Ready to Date?

Are you ready to be in a relationship? What does that question mean and is it even important? Is anyone ever really ready to date? Keep reading to see if you’re ready to date.

Are Your Vibrations High?

Everyone always says, “How can someone love you, if you don’t even love yourself.” I have to agree with this quote is away because when it comes to finding a partner, it’s all about vibrations. What does this mean? People vibrate at certain frequencies and like attracts like. When you are happy and positive you give off a high frequency vibrations and therefore attract people with high frequency vibrations. SO, when you’re feeling low and down on yourself, you probably giving off low negative vibrations and therefore attract someone with low negative vibrations. Connecting yourself with someone negative while you, yourself are will continue to bring you down and attract negativity into your life.

With this information you can see that your vibe attracts your tribe. When you’re feeling really bad about yourself, it may not be the best time to try and meet a partner. Instead when you are feeling bad you should work on yourself to make sure you are happy and healthy. This way once you feel like you are back to your old self and feeling positive, you will have a better chance of attracting a good partner.

Are you Comfortable Being Alone?

It has also been said that someone must first be comfortable on their own before you can insert yourself into a co-dependent relationship. If you’re not comfortable on your own then you may just be getting into a relationship because you don’t want to be alone. If this is the case then you may be settling for a person less than amazing for you just because you don’t wanna be alone.

If you love being alone and always have a good time with yourself then that may be a good time to start looking for a partner. You don’t want to be the clingy, obsessive one ing the relationship. You don’t wanna be worried that your partner will leave you, cause you’re so scared of being alone. Once you are okay with being in your own company you will know you will be okay if the relationship doesn’t workout, therefore allowing you to not settle and not be clingy.

Are you Still Hung-up on an Ex?

Now I’m all for a rebound hook-up, but it’s probably not the smartest idea to jump into a new relationship after a break-up. If you’re still crying and thinking about your Ex how do you expect to be giddy and excited to meet someone new. Now, I understand that you may want to prove to your Ex that you’re better than them and are moving on quicker, but why kid yourself. If you’re still into and upset about them, then its not fair to get in a relationship with someone.

Time heals all wounds and by all means, hook-up with as much people as you need. But, don’t just jump into a new relationship with the first person who gives you attention, just because you’re sad and are looking for someone to ease the pain away. You need to work on yourself and remember what life is like without your Ex. You need to let them go and work on yourself.

Are you insecure?

Maybe you were previously cheated on or you have deep routed insecurities where you hate the way you look or are. Getting into a relationship when your super insecure about yourself can lead to an unhealthy relationship. When you’re insecure you tend to think that no one could ever truly love you. When you feel this way, it can lead you to let people treat you poorly. You feel lucky that someone likes you, even though they don’t treat you well.

If you are feeling this way you should seek therapy or just work on yourself. This goes back to how you need to love yourself before anyone else can love you. You need to be mentally and emotionally comfortable with yourself before you get into a relationship because you need to make sure you don’t just love this person because they are giving you attention, but you need to love them because they are an amazing person.

I hope this article helps some people. I am not a psychologist or anything. These are just my personal opinions. Thank you for reading!

Do Men like Being Treated like a Baby?

Have you ever met a hot, sexy, strong man then once you start dating they want to be treated like a baby? I have came up with a new theory. If a man wants you to baby him that means he wants to date you. This theory also says if a man doesn’t want you to baby him, he doesn’t want to date you. If you wan’t to find out why then keep reading.

Why is this?

If a boy wants you to baby him, he wants to date you. I think boys have this weird mommy complex, where they love being pampered and babied, but this behavior of them is secret and privet. They only show you the baby side of them, and would DIE if anyone knew they act like a baby when they’re around you. When a boy is serious about you they trust you, see you as the future mother to their children and see you as a nurturer. Obviously super sexist, but deep down every man wants to be pampered and cuddled.

Story time to make my point valid: My college roommate was totally in love with this guy on our floor. They had been hooking up for 7 months, she really wanted him to ask her out, but he was taking a long time. His birthday was coming up, his parents were visiting, and she wanted to do something special for him (Make him breakfast). She was really excited to meet his parents and cook for him but, she didn’t know how to cook, so my other roommate taught her how to make an omelet. She practiced three times, letting us try them all. Once she got it perfect, she was ready to go. On his birthday she woke up ready to cook, she said how she had a surprise for him, and that she was going to make him breakfast. He immediately got defensive and said why would you do that we’re not dating (ouch) then said you should probably leave my parents will be here soon. (double ouch).

This story shows if a guy doesn’t want you to baby and spoil him, then he probably does not want to date you. Who would refuse a free, homemade breakfast? Someone who’s not interested!

SO, next time you’re talking to a guy notice his need and wants. If he wants you to cuddle him, if he uses a baby voice, if he wants you to rub his belly, he probably see you as girlfriend material. But, if he gets mad when you try to do nice things for his and doesn’t let you cuddle him, he most likely does not want to date you. Moral of the story if a boy wants to date you, he will want you to treat him like a baby.

Obviously this is all my own personal theory, so take it with a grain of salt. Hopefully this helps someone.

The Recipe for a Perfect Relationship

I have been thinking a lot about what makes up a perfect relationship, what is the formula. What truly makes a relationship work? I thought back on my own relationships and what I had in some and lacked in another. Each partner you have will obviously have different characteristics and different love languages. But, when you and your partner have The Big 3 in a relationship, that is when you know it is something special. Obviously, this goes without saying but, besides my big 3, a relationship should always have trust, respect, and loyalty. So, you can think back to the previous relationships in your life and see if you were missing any of the big 3, perhaps that is why it didn’t work out. If you want to see if your relationship has the big 3, then keep reading.


This one is definitely a big aspect of a relationship. Every single person craves that wild passion with their partner. Having a strong attraction physically, mentally, and spiritually is a huge factor in a long-lasting relationship. Obviously in the beginning “honeymoon phase” the passion is always stronger, but when it stays and continues for years that is special. Understandably, passion can come and go but when you have it, it sure is something that keeps a relationship full of fire and excitement. A bit of jealously and whirl-win romance will keep you engaged and in love.


This one is something everyone hopes they will find. To quote Bridgerton, “To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of woman is something entirely apart.” I just really love that quote. When you find someone that you want to spend your life with, wouldn’t you want them to be your best friend. A best friend is someone you can joke around and be silly with, someone you can gossip with, and never get sick of. A friend will never judge you or make you feel embarrassed. Being super open and able to talk about absolutely anything with your partner is something rare and special.


I can’t really think of a better word for this, but I think seriousness is good enough. When in a relationship, as passionate and silly as you may be together, it is also important to be serious and compassionate towards each-other. Kind of like when the going gets tough, it’s important to know your partner will be there for you. Being able to discuss deep and serious issues with your partner shows you respect each-other and have a strong bond. Things can’t always be fun and games you should always be checking up on each other and be openly expressing you’re feeling and concerns.

There you have it, my big 3. These are all my own opinions through my own experiences. I have had some relationships with just one of these, and I have had relationships with two of these, and in my relationship now I have all three and I feel pretty special. Every relationship is different, but I think these 3 things are the recipe for a truly amazing relationship. I hope you have found someone you share the big 3 with or find them soon! Never settle for less than the best! Thanks for reading!

Small Things to Brighten your Significant Others Day

Do you ever want to do something special for your partner?

It’s always important to make your partner feel special and celebrated. Obviously, they should also be making you feel special as well. I saw a post on social media asking what is the male equivalent of a woman getting flowers. I was thinking a lot about this question. My boyfriend always picks up the dinner bill and pays for our groceries; and don’t get me wrong, I pick up the check here and there. I like to do small things for my boyfriend to show that I appreciate him in a small way, so it not to over the top.

You should try doing some of these things if you notice your boyfriend or partner is constantly paying for everything. Little things to show you care can go a long way. Boys deserve to be spoiled too, sometimes. Here are some ideas I have came up with that you can do that will make your partner feel extra special.

Buy them a succulent from Trader Joe’s

I did this for my boyfriend once and he loved it. Succulents are super cute and easy to take care of. Every time he looks at the succulent, he will think of you. Also, plants have been proven to boost your mood, productivity, and creativity.

Get their favorite snack when you’re food shopping

I know when my boyfriend ever brings me back some candy after he runs to 7/11, I get so happy. It lets me know that he was thinking about me. So, next time you’re at the store, pick up his favorite snack, candy, or soda. I guarantee he will feel special because he sees you pay attention to what he likes and he knows that you think about him even when he is not around.

Pick up the drink tab

I know, I know, excuse me why? But, sometimes is nice for you to pick the bill up. Say you guys go out to get drinks, and you put your card down. Your boyfriend will probably be shocked, then fall even more in love with you. Since they see you made the gesture of paying for drinks, you don’t have to feel bad ordering something expensive for dinner.

Make their lunch for them

It’s always nice to have a home-made meal. You can make their favorite food and pack their favorite snack. This takes the work away from them and it also lets them know that you notice what they like to eat. Then, you can sneak in a little dessert or candy for them. You can also write a cute note to let them know how much you love them.

Do a surprise spa night for them

Since men are not usually used to getting pampered, this can be a real treat for them. You can do a face mask, give them a little facial, pluck their eyebrows, and give them a scalp/body massage. This will relax them and make them feel special. Everyone loves being pampered.

Write them a letter

Even if they are with you all the time, writing them a note is a cute way to remind them of how much you care about them. You can write about your favorite things they do, and even thank them for being a great partner. It is always nice to hear words of affirmation from your partner, and to hear how loved you are. They can also look back on the letter if you are ever apart and they miss you.

Wake the up with breakfast in bed

Waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs is always a treat. They will be so excited that they have a nice breakfast already made for them. It lets them know that you were thinking about them and want to make them feel special.

So, there you have it, these are somethings you can do to brighten your partners day. Always make sure you are equally as celebrated and pampered. But, if your man is always spoiling you and buying you things, it’s always nice to return the favor. Remember, everyone deserves to be appreciated and celebrated (only if they are nice to you) Thanks for reading. xox.

How to Get Man

So, if you are here you’re probably single and looking. Look no further, I have some great tips you can try next time you are around someone you are interested in. First off, establish what you are looking for. Do you want a relationship? Do you just want just a hook-up? Or perhaps you just want a summer fling. I got you covered. Obviously, you need to go about mingling with men differently depending on what you want out of them. When going to the bars to meet someone, you are going to need to be confident, fun, and an enhanced version of yourself. You need to show the guy you are interested in, that you are the best girl in the bar. So, keep reading if you want to know how to get a guy to like you.

If your looking for a Relationship/ fling:

So, you’re ready to settle down. Perhaps you have a guy in mind already or you’re looking for a new guy. Relationships are interesting, you need to be the perfect mix of a housewife and a whore. Obviously, you don’t need to be but, ideally that is what every guy is looking for. A lady in the street and a freak in the sheets. Now, unpopular opinion: sleeping with a guy on the first date, does not mean he won’t not date you. I always sleep with guys on the first date and they usually want to date me. Though, I usually go for good guys, that could play apart. LOL.

My secret for getting guys to fall in love with me is actually quite simple. You just need to make it all about him. So, you’re talking to a guy or you met him online and it’s your first date. Make it all about him. It’s as simple as that. Ask him questions and while he is answering seem genuinely interested. Try not to talk over him or interrupt with your own story. Just keep asking him questions and positively comment on them. Continue asking him more and more questions from the story he is telling, and get personal with them. Ask him about his family and his parents. Make him feel super special. See, men are used to always giving the girl all the attention and always asking about the girl. But, when the girl starts to ask about him he will see you as different. No other girl has gave him attention like this before and he will see you as caring. He will feel so special around you that he won’t be able to stop thinking about you.

In conclusion: On your first date, just talk about him and make him feel special. Ask him questions and seem genuinely interested in what he is saying.

If you want just a hook-up:

Sometimes you just need a good dickking, and hey I don’t blame you. We all need a good hook-up and hey if he’s good, he might even become a recurring nighttime pal. So, this one is by far the easiest to accomplish, just be upfront and bold. What straight man doesn’t want to have sex with a woman? But, hypothetically there’s a really hot guy and a bunch of other girls also want him, you need to stand out from the rest.

First, you need to feel confident and sexy. You’re getting laid tonight so, take all your necessary precautions. Shave your legs, put on sexy underwear, wear an outfit you will feel confident in. If you look good on the outside, you will feel good on the inside. Now that you are ready to go we need a drink. Alcohol makes one-night-stands much better. If this man is standing/sitting at the bar, you better be marching right next to him when you order your drink. NOW, let me give you one line. After you order your drink I want you to look at him and ask, “Hey you look familiar, do you go to my gym?” BOOM. You’re set. First off, he’ll be flattered that he looks like he goes to the gym and it’s a great conversation starter. Then, you can talk about the gym and other things you like to do.

Don’t forget we are touchy. Make sure you touch his arms or his leg if your sitting. You can do this after he says something funny while you’re laughing, or if he says something relatable to you, you can give him a little backhand tap while saying, “OMG stop, me too!” Since we’re looking to hook-up we want to be extra flirty. Don’t be afraid to crack some jokes and mess with him. Maybe make fun of him a little (about something small), then after he reacts grab his arm and be like “I’m kidding” while laughing. After, you’re close touching and you’re hopefully a little tipsy, you lean in for a kiss. Hopefully he will reciprocate.

Now that we know he’s interested and you’re talking to him, you’re going to need to prolong the night. A bonus would be if your friends, ended up talking to his friends, that way you could possibly move the party back to someone’s house/apartment. Wherever the night takes you, either to another bar or back to someone’s place, be next to him when the night starts to wined down. Whenever people start to go home, you can just ask him, “Wanna come over?” He will most likely say yes! And, there you go.

To wrap all of that up: 1. Wear something sexy, 2. Get a drink, 3. Go up to him and ask him if he goes to your gym, 4. Flirt by laughing at his jokes, touching his arm, and messing with him, 5. Kiss him, 6. Invite him over. There you go ladies a classic hook-up scenario, Good Luck!

What You Shouldn’t Feel in a Relationship

Note, I am not a relationship expert. You don’t need to take my advice. These are all my own opinions so, you don’t have to take this so seriously.
I have had countless relationships and hook-ups, and I feel like I have learned something new about relationships each time. With each terrible guy, came with a great life lesson, and a better understanding about what I want and need in a partner. That is why I really want people to test out the field, and date multiple people, because you need to learn what you like, and more importantly what you don’t like.

In a relationship you should not feel:

Self conscious

This is a big one for me. I am quite insecure, and it’s okay to be insecure. However, your partner should not be adding to your insecurities. For example: If you have average size boobs and you’re okay with them, but your boyfriend is always liking pictures of girls with big boobs. Now you’re like wait, are my boobs not big enough? You start to doubt yourself and feel not good enough. Your partner should not be putting you down, intentionally or not. If you feel upset because they’re liking really skinny girls photos and it’s making you feel bad about yourself, you should maybe ask him to not do it in front of you or, not do it at all. If they really care about you they will respect your wishes.


This was a big thing I felt with my Ex. His personality around my friends was really weird, and it genuinely embarrassed me. An example would be whenever your partner gets drunk, they start a fight with you in public and it’s really embarrassing. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed by your partner because you literally have to live with that for forever and you’ll most likely start to resent them. Relationships are way better when you don’t have to worry about your partner embarrassing you.


One of the best parts about being in a relationship is another person’s company. But, when you are in a relationship and you’re feeling lonely, something may be up. Perhaps you and your partner have changed or grown apart and you don’t feel that togetherness you once did. Especially if you guys are literally together and you feel lonely. Maybe, have a conversation with them and let them know you are feeling this way, because they might feel the same way.


You should definitely not feel like you are annoying your partner. Nothing is worse than you being silly, and your partner shutting you down and telling you to stop. Obviously, there is a time and a place and maybe you need to be more aware of when to be silly but, your partner should embrace your “annoyingness.” If you are in a healthy relationship, your partner or you should not be annoyed by each other all the time. Having to worry if your annoying your partner feels really shitty. Perhaps evaluate your relationship, because if you feel that nothing your partner does annoys you, and everything you do annoys them maybe something is wrong.


This is an important one. If your partner has ever non-jokingly called you dumb or stupid, leave them!! A person that cares about you will never belittle you, or call you stupid. That is just them putting you down and being insecure. It’s literally a manipulation tactic so you feel bad about yourself and never leave them. You should NEVER feel put down, or be called stupid by your partner. SMH.


LOL, okay this one is always funny to me, yet so many girls feel discussed by their partners. If the thought of your partner holding your hand, touching you, or kissing you makes you disgusted, thats not a healthy relationship. You should not cringe when your partner tries to be sexual with you. I have been there, when my ex used to kiss me and touch me, I would literally be like can we not do that tonight. He just like really disgusted me. Maybe, if you feel this way it might be time to really evaluate if you still want to be with that person. In contrast, being with someone who you can’t get enough of is way better!

Ugly 🙁

This one makes me so sad. Your partner should be your biggest fan, literally should worship the ground you walk on. If your partner ever calls you ugly or fat, LEAVE THEM! Life is too short to be with an asshole. Imagine looking in the mirror and the person you love is the one causing all of your insecurities and sadness? Makes me so upset and you can do so much better. I truly believe that there is a perfect person for everyone, and your perfect person would never put you down. Even on your worst days you will be beautiful to them.

Hopefully this helped give some clarity to people. Good luck, you are so important and special! You only have one life, so it might as will be perfect, amazing, and nothing short of the best! Never settle or give up on yourself! Love you xox!

What to Expect After Getting Out of a Long-Term Relationship

So, maybe be you just got out of a long-term relationship, or you are thinking of ending your long-term relationship. I have been there, and I made it out okay! This post is based off my experience. Obviously, every relationship ends differently; but I hope this helps you. You only get one life and if your relationship is not amazing, then what are you doing? You deserve a person that understands you, respects you, and make you feel important.

Living Situation

If you guys were living together obviously, someone had to leave. Hopefully you guys don’t own a house together yet. In my situation, I moved back home. (Which was 4 states away and a 10-hour drive) I unfortunately did not have much money saved up and ended up having to live in my childhood bedroom, at my parents’ house. Did I mention the twin bed? I immediately gave my room a makeover. Which was very necessary. After you were living with someone for a while, you need to re-discover your personal style. Decorate your room in a way that makes you happy. You need to really have a nice space that you enjoy being in. Sleeping alone at first will feel lonely but, you will get used to it, I promise.


This only applies to you if you moved home from another state or city like me. I had to quit my job, which I loved. I only gave a one-week notice, and I explained the situation and my boss understood. Sadly, when I moved back home, I was back to job searching. This was quite difficult, I was out of work for about 2 months. Don’t worry though, the job situation is tough, but everything happens for a reason. There are so many different opportunities and experiences ahead.

Dating, again

This is very exciting. Putting yourself out there can be scary though. You might have some low self-esteem after you’re breakup, this is normal. I remember having panic attacks that I would die alone. But, once you start going on all of the dating apps and seeing all of the single men, you start to get hopeful and excited. Meeting new people can be very refreshing. It is important to date around and meet new people. Learning what you do and do not like is important for your future relationships.

Your first date

This will be a big step for you, after dining with the same person for years, you have new person to talk about new things with. It might not go as planned or how you thought but, if anything it is great experience.

Your first kiss

This might be on your first date, which is fine. Mine was not on the first date I went on (I did not end up kissing that guy.) My first kiss was with a friend of a friend, so not a complete stranger, but someone new. I was so nervous about my first kiss, after only kissing one person for the past few years, I knew it would feel weird. With my first kiss, as I noticed him moving in to me, I got so much butterflies. I promise that you will meet a new person that you will feel butterflies with again

Your Ex’s Family and Family:

In my situation, we ended on really good terms. I followed his entire family on every social media platform. What was I supposed to do unfollow all of them? I actually felt really awkward posting things on snapchat and Instagram of my new life. I deleted some of his friends, but I ended up keeping his sisters on Instagram, I will eventually delete them though. It has been a year and a half I should just delete them. In conclusion, just delete them, they’re out of your life no need to keep them on your socials.

Your first relationship after

This happened really quick for me. About a month after my breakup, I ended up dating someone new. I felt really awkward posting it to social media, because I felt bad about moving on so quickly. I knew my Ex and his family all followed me, and what would they think about me moving on so quickly? This was the guiltiest part, because I knew my ex had not moved on yet, and he was taking the breakup harder than me. Don’t worry though, you don’t owe them anything, and you need to be the main character of your own life and live it to the fullest

Don’t worry you got this! There is a world of opportunities out there. Never feel stuck in a relationship just because you have invested a lot time into it. If you are not happy, or something feels off, this is your sign to end things. There are so many new people to meet, new experiences to have, and new places to travel. As someone who had experienced it and got through it; I can say that my life has 100% improved since my breakup. Dare I say it was the best decision of my life. Relationships and life partners contribute so much to our happiness and mental health. When choosing a person, they should make you feel nothing short of amazing. Relationships can be hard at times but, they should not be hard everyday. I believe there truly is a perfect person out there for everyone. Believe in yourself and end that sub-par relationship! And a tip for people, sometimes opposites do not attract. Love you xox!

Why Aren’t You Horny?

Let me off by saying, I am not a doctor. If you feel like you have a real medical condition you should definitely consult with your doctor.

So, one of my friends told me how she’s never horny and never in the mood to have sex. Her boyfriend tries to have sex with her every night, but she’s just not turned on. When I heard this, I had some major déjà vu. After she told me how she just isn’t horny anymore, I told her about my own experience with my ex-boyfriend.

When I was dating my ex, I was never horny. We dated for about three years but, for the last year of our relationship I was just not in the mood anymore. I realized we had nothing in common, but I still wanted to keep our relationship together and keep trying. As time went on, I just never wanted to have sex anymore, and I had no idea why. I am a very horny person and I usually always want to have sex, so I was worried. I thought something was wrong with me. Even if I was alone watching porn, I wouldn’t get horny. We ended up breaking up and BAM, I was horny again. Like the flip of a switch, once he wasn’t in my life anymore, I got horny again.

So, that’s my scenario, I wasn’t in love anymore. I think me, not being horny, was just my body’s way of telling me “He ain’t the one!” My friend insists she’s very in-love with her boyfriend, and she wants to marry him one day. She just does not know why she’s not horny. I figured that if my friend was feeling this way, there are probably many other women experiencing this as well. I thought I would come up with some reasons why women may not want to have sex and then also some tips on how to get yourself in the mood. So, keep reading and I hope this helps!

Reasons You May Not Be Horny:

Time of day

Most people initiate sex at night but, maybe you’re not horny at nighttime. Your lady part are tired and they would rather be sleeping. So, you should just listen to your body throughout the day. Notice when you get turned on, is it in the morning? After lunch? Right when you get off work? It could be whenever, and you should just roll with it. It is normal for someone not to be horny all day, every day, so just take note of when your body is in the mood.

The location

Some people don’t have many locations to do it in and, there’s nothing sexy about having sex in your childhood bedroom with your parent’s downstairs. Even in your bed, maybe you associate your bed with something negative. If you are uncomfortable in the setting that you are in, try doing it somewhere else. Try and find a nice location that you are comfortable in.


There are many medications that can affect your sex drive. Consider talking to your doctor and finding out your other options.


Maybe you’re not horny because your just so self-conscious about your body. The thought of your partner seeing you naked makes you sick and you just really don’t feel sexy with your clothes off. Try doing it in the dark, or maybe consider working out and eating healthy so you feel better. If nothing works, I recommend talking to a therapist.

They suck at sex

Perhaps you’re not getting horny because your partner sucks at having sex. They aren’t giving you any foreplay, or they don’t know how to please you. Why would you be excited about having sex when you know you’re not even going to cum. You should definitely be communicating with your partner and always letting them know what you like, and don’t like.

You lost feelings

Now for the reason you probably don’t want to hear but, maybe you just don’t like your partner anymore. If you’re not horny, maybe it’s because you’re body is telling you that you are not ment to be with this person. You two have grown apart and this relationship is holding you back from something better

Ways To Get Horny:

Watch porn

Porn can be a very good way to get you in the mood. You and your partner can even watch it together. Or, right before you guys are about to do it, run to the bathroom and put on some sexy clips to get you ready.

Get a sexy outfit

When you feel sexy, you can even turn yourself on. Just get an outfit that you think you look incredibly bomb and scandalous and see how it makes you feel. You will want to show your partner how sexy you look and that can get you in the mood. When you look sexy, you will most likely feel sexy and confident.

Touch yourself

Before you guys have sex, try and run to the bathroom and start to rub yourself. Maybe even put some porn on. Don’t take too long in the bathroom, but just the right amount of time to be ready to go. You can also touch yourself before you go to house, and in the car ride over, just picture the both of you guys having sex.

Listen to a sex podcast

I love learning new sexy tips on sex podcasts. After I learn a new sex tip or position, it makes me want to try it myself. Switching things up in the bedroom and trying new things with your partner can be exciting and can get you in the mood.

Buy a new sex toy

Sex toys can be an amazing way to spice up you sex life. They also make it way easier to cum. If you know there is a guaranteed orgasm, then you will be more inclined to participate in sex. Adam and Eve is a great sex toy brand, I will also link a vibrator from amazon. Both of these companies will send sex toys in discrete packaging!

With all of this being said, there are many reasons on why you might not be horny. It’s totally normal, and most people have experienced it. But, if your partner wants to have sex and you don’t, do not feel pressured to. Make sure the sex is always consensual. If you are determined to make the relationship work and your partner wants to have sex way more than you, they should always respect your decision and make you feel safe and comfortable. I hope this article can help you guys.

How To Manifest A Boyfriend

*A step by step guide at the end

So, I just happened to manifest my boyfriend, and I didn’t even know it. I didn’t even know what manifestation was at the time. I will explain, but first let me preface this by saying at the time I had just gotten out of a 3-year relationship. My ex and I broke up because we had nothing in common, different goals, and different humors. He was always in a bad mood and always super serious. I am a very silly, joking around person who is always in a good mood. I was constantly feeling brought down by his negative energy and was honestly very happy to be out of that relationship.

I moved back in with my parents and was looking for a fresh start. Within the first week of returning home I had already been on two dates with two different men. I was still confused and not quite sure what I was going to do next. I was really just looking to hook up with a bunch of people and if I happen to vibe really well with one of them, I would date them. One part of me was excited to start a new chapter and the other part was scared I would die alone.

The Manifestation

Since I moved back home from a different state, I was unemployed and had a lot of free time on my hands. Feeling lonely, one day about a week after I moved home, I decided to start a journal. I wanted to write about all the dates and men I was going to meet while I was single. I first started to write down everything I wanted from a boyfriend, like personality traits. I put funny, kind, caring, and silly. The next thing I wrote down was what I wanted to feel in the relationship. I put passion and laughing all the time. I simply put this away and forgot about it. Doing this was kind of like a little mind dump when I was lonely. I didn’t even want to look back or think about it again. (I will insert a photo of my journal entry at the end)

Now, I must say at the time I did not even know what manifestation was or how the law of attraction worked. I ended up dating one of those guys I met on the first weekend I moved home. We dated after one month of seeing each other. He was honestly a perfect match for me and everything I wanted in a partner. The longer we dated the more I saw how much we had in common. He was so funny, kind, and always in a good mood. During quarantine, which was about a year since we started dating, I heard about manifestation. I read up on it and got really into it. One of the YouTube videos I watch mentioned how if you look back on your life, you can see that you probably accidentally manifested things without even realizing. Ways to manifest things include: visualization, vision boards, and also writing things down; Which is what I did. It all clicked, I had accidentally manifested my boyfriend. I looked back in the journal I wrote in a year ago and went back to the page about what I wanted in a boyfriend. There, I saw all of the characteristics and all the feeling I wrote down had came true. It was like the universe read that page and put this person right in my path. I look back and it’s completely mind boggling and amazing to me. If you want to manifest a relationship then follow these 6 steps!

How to Manifest a Perfect Boyfriend

  • Step one: Get a journal
  • Step two: Make a list on every personality trait you want in a partner
  • Step three: Make a list of what you want to feel in your relationship
  • Step four: Write a little paragraph of your idea of love and what you think a relationship should be like
  • Step five: Close the journal and forget you even wrote that page
  • Step six: Be patient and let the universe work its magic

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