How to Stand Out at the Bar

Covid restrictions have finally lifted in New York and I am ready for it. Just in time for Hot Girl Summer. It has been a long pandemic and people have lost a lot of partying. Since the bars will be alive and well this summer (probably more crowded than ever), trying to “real-life” meet people might be tough among a large crowd. You need to find ways to stand out. Usually, it’s much easier to start a conversation with someone when there is something on you or around you to comment on. You need to be bar-ready and stand out with some funky pieces. Keep reading if you want some ways you can stand out and have some great conversation starters.

Funky straws

We are here for saving the turtles and using reusable straws, but hear me out, make it funky. Not only will people come up to you because they love that you are an environmentalist, but they will also think you are unique and fun.

Unique Earrings

I can’t even tell you how many strangers will comment on my earrings. I think fun and unique earrings are not only a conversation starter, but also shows a little bit about your personality.

Portable Fan

Portable fans are a must in the summer heat, especially if you’re in a crowd. If you’re looking to meet people this one will be your gold mine, because everyone will want a piece of that fan action.

Candy/ Gum in Your Purse

How many times have you whipped out a pack of gum and everyone starts asking for a piece. There’s just something about gum that attracts people. Chocolate, gum, pretzel sticks any snack really will do the trick of attracting people over to you.

Flowers in your hair

Flowers are beautiful and a fun accessory. Not only does it show you are one with nature and down to earth, it is a great way to have people come up and compliment you.

Sports Jersey

Say you’re at the bar and the big game is on. If someone else likes that team, that’s an automatic thing you guys have in common. Something in common, gives people a reason to come up and talk to you. This doesn’t have to be a jersey, it can be a hat or t-shirt.

A Vaccinated Pin

What better conversation started than the pandemic. We have all lived though it and made it out, and we have are vaccines now as a souvenir. This will start a conversation with which shot did you get? to where did you quarantine?

I hope these ideas help you stand out and people come up and talk to you at the bar. Enjoy this life, you never know when another pandemic may come up. Stay safe out there, get vaccinated and enjoy! Thanks for reading!

How to Reset After Something Bad Happens

Sometimes bad things happen, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Big problems or small, you will get though this. I was thinking back in my life and even though I was having a hard time or something bad happened, I was always able to reset and get back on track. I came out stronger in the end, but getting there can sometimes be tough. Here, I will give you somethings you can try to get you through a tough time. I hope some of these things will help you get back on track and continue to flourish. Keep reading and let’s get through this together!

So, you’re having a hard time, I’m sorry. Don’t worry! We are going to get through this, you are strong and things will get better. There are so much worse situations you could be in, even if it feels like the end of the world, things could always be worse. Seeking gratitude in dark times can help get you out, try and think of all the positive things in your life. Be open to accepting happiness.

Start journaling

Write down your feelings, goals, and stories. Having a place to write everything down can be so freeing. I would definitely look up manifestation journals. Doing this everyday can help you let go of your problems and have a space to grow new goals and ambitions. I like to write notes to the universe and thank it for all of the good things in my life, I also tell the universe what I want to accomplish. Doing this will help you realize that there are still so many things to be grateful for in you life. Try and be as positive as possible. Sometimes, when you pretend you are doing well, you start to actually do well.

Sage your home

Sage is a great way to cleanse bad energy. Maybe it works, maybe it’s just the placebo effect. Whatever it is, it cant hurt to try. Using sage or even crystals can help you in your healing journey. These elements can help give us the strength we don’t have. I am really interested in crystals and other natural healing techniques. Everything around us has energy, so try and surround yourself with as much positive energy as possible.

Give yourself a Makeover

Whenever I am feeling down, or there was an emotional change in my life, I like to change the outside of myself. Doing this helps me move on. It is kind of like the old me is gone and I am now starting this new chapter in my life as a new person. Getting a hair cut, dying your hair, or even re-doing your room can help you transition into a new era of your life. You can associate this “make-over” in your life with starting new and accepting change.

Go on a Trip

Everyone can benefit from some time away. Putting yourself in a new environment can allow you to reflect and reset. Sometimes removing yourself from the negative place that you were in, will help you almost forget about it (at least for a little). When you come back from the trip, you may even have forgotten about what was upsetting you or it might not seem like that big of a deal. You can go on a trip by yourself or go with people that make you feel good.

I hope at lease one of these things can help you get through your difficult time. Finding ways to reset can really help you get your life back on track. You are so much stronger than you realize and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It is best to just stay positive and only do things that bring you joy. Everything will work out. Thank you so much for being here and reading! Love you!

Tips To Get The Perfect Summer Body

Summer is approaching, and my summer clothes are going to be coming out of hiding. I can just feel my bikinis staring me down. I’m starting to feel that summer body anxiety, which is ridiculous because I should just love and except my body the way it is. To be honest though, I want to have a slamming bod this summer. So, since March 1st, I have turned over a new leaf, and decided to take some action in pursuing being hot this summer. My current goals and to have a flat stomach, get rid of the cellulite on the back of my legs, and clear up my acne. Just three simple things I will be manifesting in my journey. I have noticed some improvements, it has been about two weeks and I thought I would share some of the things I have been doing. If you want to join me on my hot girl summer transformation then keep on reading.

So, me being the manifester I am, being thin and hot is simply a mindset. With that being said, we are going to tell ourselves in the mirror everyday that we look amazing, super thin, and basically whatever else we want to achieve. If we keep on saying it to ourselves, we will eventually start to believe it and it will become our reality, but we obviously have to take steps to achieve our goals.

Make a Workout Calendar

This seriously has changed my life, and I will continue to do this every month. Basically what is, is at the start of each month write a workout on each day you plan to workout on your calendar. This way you already have a workout plan in mind and you made time for it. Then, when you finish your workout you can cross it off, and let me tell you it is the best feeling in the world. I have mine on one of those dry erase calendars that way it is easy to change it each month, and it’s only for my workouts. I have it on my fridge, so if one day I don’t do one of the workouts, I have to look at that square and I never get to cross out. This calendar has kept me so motivated to workout and it has actually helped working out fit into my schedule.

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

I know what you’re thinking but, I feel like it actually works. Every morning I have been drinking water with a tablespoon and a half of ACV, half of a lemon, and a dash of cinnamon with ice cubes. It tastes like a funky lemonade. I definitely do not recommend taking a shot strait of ACV, but adding it to your water can have some benefits. I am no expert, but I am going to list some benefits or drinking ACV: It has been known to improve your metabolism, studies show that it prevents weight gain, and it has been known to suppress appetite. With that being said, I now have my ACV drink every morning. You only need to drink this right when you wake up, and if you want you can drink it right before bed as well.

Have An Exercise Competition

There is truly nothing more motivational than a healthy competition. You can do this with your friends, family, or your co-workers. I don’t know what it is but when I get notifications on my Applewatch that one of my friends completed an exercise, it immediately makes me want to exercise. Also, at work, my co-workers and I have a blank calendar print out. Each day we workout, we get to write our name down for that day. Seeing other people workout just keep you on your game, because if they can do it, so can you!

Drink Peppermint Tea

Okay, this is the last drink I have, I swear. I have been super bloated lately and I have no idea why. So I looked up different ways to naturally reduce bloating that was cheap and not a supplement. I saw that peppermint is a great tea to drink after your meals. Like I said before, I am not a doctor and all the information I get is from Google. Here are some health benefits from drinking peppermint tea after your meals: Helps with digestion, nausea, gas and bloating. Since I frequently have all of these issues, I though I would give it a try. I haven’t noticed anything super drastic, but I do look and feel less bloated. I drink this every-night after dinner.

Stop Adding Extra Salt

This has always been such a bad habit of mine. I just love salt. SUE ME. But, salt is the enemy. We have some how been tricked into loving salt when there are so many other more amazing and healthier spices. There are so many health problems that have been linked to salt. Salt retains water in your body, and if you cut it out you can lose pants sizes. We need to grow up and cut that stuff out of our diet. Your fries are salty enough and you don’t need to add more. Just start by not adding extra salt to your food, if your food is tasting a little bland add some garlic powder or some Italian seasoning. I have been consciously avoiding salt when cooking, and my food still tastes really good. You just need to start adding different seasonings and appreciate those flavors for what they are. Your taste buds literally need to be trained to not crave salt. Be weary of those adobo and pre-mixed seasoning combinations, they have a ton of salt in them. They have salt-free options such as Mrs. Dash.

Pre-Make Your Lunch

I know this one goes without saying, but it really makes a difference. If you have a healthy option right in front of you, it is convenient and you will most likely stick to eating healthy. When you don’t prepare your lunch before hand and lunch-time comes around you’re busy and either order take out or make that unhealthy frozen meal in your freezer. If you just take some time to make your lunch the night before, or meal prep in the beginning of the week, it will help keep your healthy eating on track. You can do this if work from home too, it’s not weird to prepare your lunch the night before. Make sure your lunch is healthy, filling, and satisfying so you won’t be snacking in an hour.

There you have it, these are just some of the things I have been doing to try and get that bikini body. I will also be posting my go-to youtube workouts. I hope that this helps someone, please be safe when trying to lose weight. Remember that you are beautiful no matter what, and being healthy and feeling good is all that really matters. Stay positive and be kind to yourself. Thanks for reading! Hot Girl Summer Commence.

The Best Workouts on Youtube

My Fitness Journey

I have a weird relationship with exercise, sometimes I am the perfect definition of fitness, and other times I am a perfect couch potato. Pre-corona virus I was an exercise queen, everyday after work I would go to the gym for an hour; I had a great routine. During Covid, Luckily spring was upon us, and the weather was fairly warm. I was not working, so I was basically living my dream of getting paid to do nothing. It was awesome! Everyday I would sleep till 9, go for a run, do a half an hour of abs, and life was good. For the rest of spring and the entire summer I was on Long Island. I was eating good, going for 2 hour walk/runs, doing HIIT workouts, and a 30 minuet ab workout everyday. I mean how could I not, I wasn’t working. Life was good and I was skinny AF.

Flash forward a few months later: I went from months of not working, to working full time, everyday. It was ROUGH. Working out got really hard, I was waking up at 6:30, leaving my house at 7am, then I would come home at 5pm. Obviously a big change. And on top of that I canceled my gym membership. Since then, ended up moving to the city and my exercise issue got even harder. I started to feel very sad, working out was such a huge part of me and I was doing so well and I felt like I had fallen off. So, I started waking up at 5:30 am to workout, it was hard. I also tried working out when I got home from work, but my excess school work made me too stressed to workout. Things got hard and frustrating for me. But, I am now determined with this new year coming up to make working out a priority!

I want to really try and work on my body this year and I want to get back on track and stay motivated. You guys should try and follow along with me. I decided not to join a gym and fully commit to working out at home: This is very scary to me because I love running on the treadmill, but things change and we must adapt. So, without further ado, here are my favorite at-home workouts on youtube:

1. 45 Minute Cardio Boxing @popsugarfitness

This first one is from POPSUGAR, this cardio boxing workout is literally amazing. You workout every part of your body, big emphasis on your booty! This is my go to workout, I highly recommend it! You will definitely feel the burn and also feel amazing after.

2. 10 Minuet Calorie Killer @pamela_rf

This workout net workout by Pamela is amazing, a little challenging though. I love a good HIIT workout and this one has a lot of moves I really enjoy. This queen in the video is so hard core, literally does not take a water break at all, but she got that fit bod! Definitely keeps me motivated! Do recommend!

3. Intense Cardio @vickyjustiz

This workout has quickly became my new favorite. She includes super fun moves and I always feel good afterwards. She struggles along with you and provides you with lots of motivation. This is definitely a hard work out with a lot of jumping, but it is very doable.

4. Ab Routine @gabriellawhited

So this video is a little special to me lol, because it is the first youtube workout video I ever followed. And, I actually saw results. It’s a quick ab workout, I never knew what to do for my abs and when I found this video, it changed my life. I started following it everyday and I noticed a big difference in my body. 10 Minuet cardio paired with this ab exercise is GOLD! Bonus, this video is great for beginners!

5. Fat burning HIIT @madfit.ig

This is another quick and challenging workout. Really great if your having a busy day and wanna squeeze in a quick one. Just pair this with an ab workout and you’re good to go.

6. 30 Minuet Tabata @popsugarfitness

I will not lie this workout is rough! This a tabata exercise, and let me tell you, you might cry. (In a good way though, kinda) Each workout is a short amount of time so, makes it a little more tolerable. The guy hosting the video is so funny and keeps you motivated. A must try workout! Definitely recommend!

So, there you go! These are some of my favorite at home Youtube workouts. Feel free to join me on my at home workout journey. Also, check out more of these creators videos, they have a bunch of awesome at home and at the gym exercises you can try! Good luck, Have fun, and never give up! You got this queen!

Stop Being Jealous of Pretty Women

Do you ever just look at a pretty girl and think “OMG I hate her. I have no idea why I just hate that girl.” Why do we as women do this? It’s most likely because we are jealous of that beautiful queen, and we’re mad we don’t look like her. This must stop!! It’s not fair to them. We need to stop hating on beautiful women. Period.

Next time you’re walking in the street and you see a woman that is way prettier than you and you start feeling jealous; I want you to think in your head “YAS QUEEN, SLAY.” Instead of hating on her, hype her up in your head and use that as motivation. After you see her, you need to think that one day you will be as hot and as confident as her.

After you see a pretty girl, think “why do I feel jealous of her?” Is it her hair, her expensive purse, her thin arms, or her tan skin? Try and figure out what is making you envious of her. Once you’ve figure it out, then you can work on those things on yourself. If you want her expensive purse, then hustle harder at work. If you want her thin arms, hit up the gym. If you want her tan skin, try a new self-tanner. Insecurity and jealousy come from within. So, next time you are feeling jealous of another girl just try and hype her up in your head and think one day, I will be a queen like her!

Why should you hype her up? Women are always bashed on by men and other women, but all women are the same. We need to be on the same side and lift each-other up. You get a boost of motivation and energy from hyping people up. Positive energy is way more powerful than negative energy. So, just try it and see how it makes you feel. I guarantee this will make you feel good. Boosting people up, boosts you up. Positivity breeds positivity. So think positive thoughts, drink water, and be kind to pretty girls and give yourself a break because we are all queens!

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