The Best Workouts on Youtube

My Fitness Journey

I have a weird relationship with exercise, sometimes I am the perfect definition of fitness, and other times I am a perfect couch potato. Pre-corona virus I was an exercise queen, everyday after work I would go to the gym for an hour; I had a great routine. During Covid, Luckily spring was upon us, and the weather was fairly warm. I was not working, so I was basically living my dream of getting paid to do nothing. It was awesome! Everyday I would sleep till 9, go for a run, do a half an hour of abs, and life was good. For the rest of spring and the entire summer I was on Long Island. I was eating good, going for 2 hour walk/runs, doing HIIT workouts, and a 30 minuet ab workout everyday. I mean how could I not, I wasn’t working. Life was good and I was skinny AF.

Flash forward a few months later: I went from months of not working, to working full time, everyday. It was ROUGH. Working out got really hard, I was waking up at 6:30, leaving my house at 7am, then I would come home at 5pm. Obviously a big change. And on top of that I canceled my gym membership. Since then, ended up moving to the city and my exercise issue got even harder. I started to feel very sad, working out was such a huge part of me and I was doing so well and I felt like I had fallen off. So, I started waking up at 5:30 am to workout, it was hard. I also tried working out when I got home from work, but my excess school work made me too stressed to workout. Things got hard and frustrating for me. But, I am now determined with this new year coming up to make working out a priority!

I want to really try and work on my body this year and I want to get back on track and stay motivated. You guys should try and follow along with me. I decided not to join a gym and fully commit to working out at home: This is very scary to me because I love running on the treadmill, but things change and we must adapt. So, without further ado, here are my favorite at-home workouts on youtube:

1. 45 Minute Cardio Boxing @popsugarfitness

This first one is from POPSUGAR, this cardio boxing workout is literally amazing. You workout every part of your body, big emphasis on your booty! This is my go to workout, I highly recommend it! You will definitely feel the burn and also feel amazing after.

2. 10 Minuet Calorie Killer @pamela_rf

This workout net workout by Pamela is amazing, a little challenging though. I love a good HIIT workout and this one has a lot of moves I really enjoy. This queen in the video is so hard core, literally does not take a water break at all, but she got that fit bod! Definitely keeps me motivated! Do recommend!

3. Intense Cardio @vickyjustiz

This workout has quickly became my new favorite. She includes super fun moves and I always feel good afterwards. She struggles along with you and provides you with lots of motivation. This is definitely a hard work out with a lot of jumping, but it is very doable.

4. Ab Routine @gabriellawhited

So this video is a little special to me lol, because it is the first youtube workout video I ever followed. And, I actually saw results. It’s a quick ab workout, I never knew what to do for my abs and when I found this video, it changed my life. I started following it everyday and I noticed a big difference in my body. 10 Minuet cardio paired with this ab exercise is GOLD! Bonus, this video is great for beginners!

5. Fat burning HIIT @madfit.ig

This is another quick and challenging workout. Really great if your having a busy day and wanna squeeze in a quick one. Just pair this with an ab workout and you’re good to go.

6. 30 Minuet Tabata @popsugarfitness

I will not lie this workout is rough! This a tabata exercise, and let me tell you, you might cry. (In a good way though, kinda) Each workout is a short amount of time so, makes it a little more tolerable. The guy hosting the video is so funny and keeps you motivated. A must try workout! Definitely recommend!

So, there you go! These are some of my favorite at home Youtube workouts. Feel free to join me on my at home workout journey. Also, check out more of these creators videos, they have a bunch of awesome at home and at the gym exercises you can try! Good luck, Have fun, and never give up! You got this queen!

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