How to Reset After Something Bad Happens

Sometimes bad things happen, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Big problems or small, you will get though this. I was thinking back in my life and even though I was having a hard time or something bad happened, I was always able to reset and get back on track. I came out stronger in the end, but getting there can sometimes be tough. Here, I will give you somethings you can try to get you through a tough time. I hope some of these things will help you get back on track and continue to flourish. Keep reading and let’s get through this together!

So, you’re having a hard time, I’m sorry. Don’t worry! We are going to get through this, you are strong and things will get better. There are so much worse situations you could be in, even if it feels like the end of the world, things could always be worse. Seeking gratitude in dark times can help get you out, try and think of all the positive things in your life. Be open to accepting happiness.

Start journaling

Write down your feelings, goals, and stories. Having a place to write everything down can be so freeing. I would definitely look up manifestation journals. Doing this everyday can help you let go of your problems and have a space to grow new goals and ambitions. I like to write notes to the universe and thank it for all of the good things in my life, I also tell the universe what I want to accomplish. Doing this will help you realize that there are still so many things to be grateful for in you life. Try and be as positive as possible. Sometimes, when you pretend you are doing well, you start to actually do well.

Sage your home

Sage is a great way to cleanse bad energy. Maybe it works, maybe it’s just the placebo effect. Whatever it is, it cant hurt to try. Using sage or even crystals can help you in your healing journey. These elements can help give us the strength we don’t have. I am really interested in crystals and other natural healing techniques. Everything around us has energy, so try and surround yourself with as much positive energy as possible.

Give yourself a Makeover

Whenever I am feeling down, or there was an emotional change in my life, I like to change the outside of myself. Doing this helps me move on. It is kind of like the old me is gone and I am now starting this new chapter in my life as a new person. Getting a hair cut, dying your hair, or even re-doing your room can help you transition into a new era of your life. You can associate this “make-over” in your life with starting new and accepting change.

Go on a Trip

Everyone can benefit from some time away. Putting yourself in a new environment can allow you to reflect and reset. Sometimes removing yourself from the negative place that you were in, will help you almost forget about it (at least for a little). When you come back from the trip, you may even have forgotten about what was upsetting you or it might not seem like that big of a deal. You can go on a trip by yourself or go with people that make you feel good.

I hope at lease one of these things can help you get through your difficult time. Finding ways to reset can really help you get your life back on track. You are so much stronger than you realize and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It is best to just stay positive and only do things that bring you joy. Everything will work out. Thank you so much for being here and reading! Love you!

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