How To Manifest A Boyfriend

*A step by step guide at the end

So, I just happened to manifest my boyfriend, and I didn’t even know it. I didn’t even know what manifestation was at the time. I will explain, but first let me preface this by saying at the time I had just gotten out of a 3-year relationship. My ex and I broke up because we had nothing in common, different goals, and different humors. He was always in a bad mood and always super serious. I am a very silly, joking around person who is always in a good mood. I was constantly feeling brought down by his negative energy and was honestly very happy to be out of that relationship.

I moved back in with my parents and was looking for a fresh start. Within the first week of returning home I had already been on two dates with two different men. I was still confused and not quite sure what I was going to do next. I was really just looking to hook up with a bunch of people and if I happen to vibe really well with one of them, I would date them. One part of me was excited to start a new chapter and the other part was scared I would die alone.

The Manifestation

Since I moved back home from a different state, I was unemployed and had a lot of free time on my hands. Feeling lonely, one day about a week after I moved home, I decided to start a journal. I wanted to write about all the dates and men I was going to meet while I was single. I first started to write down everything I wanted from a boyfriend, like personality traits. I put funny, kind, caring, and silly. The next thing I wrote down was what I wanted to feel in the relationship. I put passion and laughing all the time. I simply put this away and forgot about it. Doing this was kind of like a little mind dump when I was lonely. I didn’t even want to look back or think about it again. (I will insert a photo of my journal entry at the end)

Now, I must say at the time I did not even know what manifestation was or how the law of attraction worked. I ended up dating one of those guys I met on the first weekend I moved home. We dated after one month of seeing each other. He was honestly a perfect match for me and everything I wanted in a partner. The longer we dated the more I saw how much we had in common. He was so funny, kind, and always in a good mood. During quarantine, which was about a year since we started dating, I heard about manifestation. I read up on it and got really into it. One of the YouTube videos I watch mentioned how if you look back on your life, you can see that you probably accidentally manifested things without even realizing. Ways to manifest things include: visualization, vision boards, and also writing things down; Which is what I did. It all clicked, I had accidentally manifested my boyfriend. I looked back in the journal I wrote in a year ago and went back to the page about what I wanted in a boyfriend. There, I saw all of the characteristics and all the feeling I wrote down had came true. It was like the universe read that page and put this person right in my path. I look back and it’s completely mind boggling and amazing to me. If you want to manifest a relationship then follow these 6 steps!

How to Manifest a Perfect Boyfriend

  • Step one: Get a journal
  • Step two: Make a list on every personality trait you want in a partner
  • Step three: Make a list of what you want to feel in your relationship
  • Step four: Write a little paragraph of your idea of love and what you think a relationship should be like
  • Step five: Close the journal and forget you even wrote that page
  • Step six: Be patient and let the universe work its magic

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