Are You Ready to Date?

Are you ready to be in a relationship? What does that question mean and is it even important? Is anyone ever really ready to date? Keep reading to see if you’re ready to date.

Are Your Vibrations High?

Everyone always says, “How can someone love you, if you don’t even love yourself.” I have to agree with this quote is away because when it comes to finding a partner, it’s all about vibrations. What does this mean? People vibrate at certain frequencies and like attracts like. When you are happy and positive you give off a high frequency vibrations and therefore attract people with high frequency vibrations. SO, when you’re feeling low and down on yourself, you probably giving off low negative vibrations and therefore attract someone with low negative vibrations. Connecting yourself with someone negative while you, yourself are will continue to bring you down and attract negativity into your life.

With this information you can see that your vibe attracts your tribe. When you’re feeling really bad about yourself, it may not be the best time to try and meet a partner. Instead when you are feeling bad you should work on yourself to make sure you are happy and healthy. This way once you feel like you are back to your old self and feeling positive, you will have a better chance of attracting a good partner.

Are you Comfortable Being Alone?

It has also been said that someone must first be comfortable on their own before you can insert yourself into a co-dependent relationship. If you’re not comfortable on your own then you may just be getting into a relationship because you don’t want to be alone. If this is the case then you may be settling for a person less than amazing for you just because you don’t wanna be alone.

If you love being alone and always have a good time with yourself then that may be a good time to start looking for a partner. You don’t want to be the clingy, obsessive one ing the relationship. You don’t wanna be worried that your partner will leave you, cause you’re so scared of being alone. Once you are okay with being in your own company you will know you will be okay if the relationship doesn’t workout, therefore allowing you to not settle and not be clingy.

Are you Still Hung-up on an Ex?

Now I’m all for a rebound hook-up, but it’s probably not the smartest idea to jump into a new relationship after a break-up. If you’re still crying and thinking about your Ex how do you expect to be giddy and excited to meet someone new. Now, I understand that you may want to prove to your Ex that you’re better than them and are moving on quicker, but why kid yourself. If you’re still into and upset about them, then its not fair to get in a relationship with someone.

Time heals all wounds and by all means, hook-up with as much people as you need. But, don’t just jump into a new relationship with the first person who gives you attention, just because you’re sad and are looking for someone to ease the pain away. You need to work on yourself and remember what life is like without your Ex. You need to let them go and work on yourself.

Are you insecure?

Maybe you were previously cheated on or you have deep routed insecurities where you hate the way you look or are. Getting into a relationship when your super insecure about yourself can lead to an unhealthy relationship. When you’re insecure you tend to think that no one could ever truly love you. When you feel this way, it can lead you to let people treat you poorly. You feel lucky that someone likes you, even though they don’t treat you well.

If you are feeling this way you should seek therapy or just work on yourself. This goes back to how you need to love yourself before anyone else can love you. You need to be mentally and emotionally comfortable with yourself before you get into a relationship because you need to make sure you don’t just love this person because they are giving you attention, but you need to love them because they are an amazing person.

I hope this article helps some people. I am not a psychologist or anything. These are just my personal opinions. Thank you for reading!

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