How to Approach Different Types of Men

Every man is different. If you see a guy, you’re interested at a bar or party you can’t approach all of them the same way, you need to read the vibe and adapt. I will give you different ideas on how to approach different guys depending on the situation. Keep reading if you want to know how to approach men.

The Shy Guy

This by far has to be the easiest guy to approach, there could be a small chance he has a GF so always check. But if you see a guy sitting by himself it is go time! Literally just go up to him and say “Hey what’s up? I’m _____.” BOOM! You’re in. If he’s shy, be ready to be silly with him and break him out of his shell. This conversation can go all night long, make sure you ask for his number because he could be too shy to ask for yours.

The Outgoing Guy

With this guy, you need to beat him at his own game! He likes when girls are sarcastic and joke around with him. He might be competitive, so don’t be afraid to get a little friendly completion going. Say, “I bet I can chug my bear faster than you.” This guy is also just looking for opportunities to talk about himself, so ask him to tell you a story about his life. I’m sure he’s used to girls always complimenting him so maybe tease him about how “cool” he must think he is.

The sporty Guy

This guy may be too distracted by the game to be able to talk, but I’m sure he knows everything about the sport. This can go one of two ways: 1. You know about sports 2. You don’t know a thing about sports. I don’t know about sports, so I would go up to him and ask who playing. If you do know about sports, you can ask him who’s winning. Then the conversation should take off from there. If you don’t know about sports, keep asking about sports stuff and if you do know about sports talk to him about your favorite teams.

The Pot Head

I recommend you also being a weed smoker for this one, but if you’re not, no big deal. Obviously, this one is easy. Ask if you could have a hit or ask him if he wants a hit of what you’re smoking. Once you have joined the rotation, sit next to him and just start talking. Ask him random questions and be silly, I’m sure he’s big on vibes, so just try and be chill and funny, and that should work.

The hot guy

It can be hard to approach this guy cause he’s probably intimidating and talking to other people. So, here what I’ve got, lol. Be walking and accidentally bump into him and apologize. Be bold and offer to get him a drink, because you “feel so bad.” Then just introduce yourself and see where it goes. If there’s a game on tv ask him what team he likes or you can be like “I definitely know you from somewhere, do we go to the same gym?”

I hope this helps, lol. Wrote this post just for fun, I can’t confirm anyone my advice will work, but its worth a shot. Thank you for reading!

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