What You Shouldn’t Feel in a Relationship

Note, I am not a relationship expert. You don’t need to take my advice. These are all my own opinions so, you don’t have to take this so seriously.
I have had countless relationships and hook-ups, and I feel like I have learned something new about relationships each time. With each terrible guy, came with a great life lesson, and a better understanding about what I want and need in a partner. That is why I really want people to test out the field, and date multiple people, because you need to learn what you like, and more importantly what you don’t like.

In a relationship you should not feel:

Self conscious

This is a big one for me. I am quite insecure, and it’s okay to be insecure. However, your partner should not be adding to your insecurities. For example: If you have average size boobs and you’re okay with them, but your boyfriend is always liking pictures of girls with big boobs. Now you’re like wait, are my boobs not big enough? You start to doubt yourself and feel not good enough. Your partner should not be putting you down, intentionally or not. If you feel upset because they’re liking really skinny girls photos and it’s making you feel bad about yourself, you should maybe ask him to not do it in front of you or, not do it at all. If they really care about you they will respect your wishes.


This was a big thing I felt with my Ex. His personality around my friends was really weird, and it genuinely embarrassed me. An example would be whenever your partner gets drunk, they start a fight with you in public and it’s really embarrassing. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed by your partner because you literally have to live with that for forever and you’ll most likely start to resent them. Relationships are way better when you don’t have to worry about your partner embarrassing you.


One of the best parts about being in a relationship is another person’s company. But, when you are in a relationship and you’re feeling lonely, something may be up. Perhaps you and your partner have changed or grown apart and you don’t feel that togetherness you once did. Especially if you guys are literally together and you feel lonely. Maybe, have a conversation with them and let them know you are feeling this way, because they might feel the same way.


You should definitely not feel like you are annoying your partner. Nothing is worse than you being silly, and your partner shutting you down and telling you to stop. Obviously, there is a time and a place and maybe you need to be more aware of when to be silly but, your partner should embrace your “annoyingness.” If you are in a healthy relationship, your partner or you should not be annoyed by each other all the time. Having to worry if your annoying your partner feels really shitty. Perhaps evaluate your relationship, because if you feel that nothing your partner does annoys you, and everything you do annoys them maybe something is wrong.


This is an important one. If your partner has ever non-jokingly called you dumb or stupid, leave them!! A person that cares about you will never belittle you, or call you stupid. That is just them putting you down and being insecure. It’s literally a manipulation tactic so you feel bad about yourself and never leave them. You should NEVER feel put down, or be called stupid by your partner. SMH.


LOL, okay this one is always funny to me, yet so many girls feel discussed by their partners. If the thought of your partner holding your hand, touching you, or kissing you makes you disgusted, thats not a healthy relationship. You should not cringe when your partner tries to be sexual with you. I have been there, when my ex used to kiss me and touch me, I would literally be like can we not do that tonight. He just like really disgusted me. Maybe, if you feel this way it might be time to really evaluate if you still want to be with that person. In contrast, being with someone who you can’t get enough of is way better!

Ugly 🙁

This one makes me so sad. Your partner should be your biggest fan, literally should worship the ground you walk on. If your partner ever calls you ugly or fat, LEAVE THEM! Life is too short to be with an asshole. Imagine looking in the mirror and the person you love is the one causing all of your insecurities and sadness? Makes me so upset and you can do so much better. I truly believe that there is a perfect person for everyone, and your perfect person would never put you down. Even on your worst days you will be beautiful to them.

Hopefully this helped give some clarity to people. Good luck, you are so important and special! You only have one life, so it might as will be perfect, amazing, and nothing short of the best! Never settle or give up on yourself! Love you xox!

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